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Kubernetes: namespace definition files

Environment definition files

To set up an environment, we create 5 Kubernetes YAML files in the directory for your namespace:

These files define key elements of the namespace and restrictions we want to place on it so that we have security and resource allocation properties. We describe each of these files in more detail below in case you want to make future changes.

In addition to the Kubernetes configuration files, we create three terraform files:

  • resources/
  • resources/
  • resources/

These files define the standard terraform backend and providers which you will need when you add terraform modules to create the AWS resources your service will use (e.g. an [ECR][ecr-setup] for your docker images, [RDS databases][create-rds], and S3 buckets). The resources/ file contains attributes of your namespace which those later terraform files will refer to.

Namespace YAML files

These files define key elements of the namespace and restrictions we want to place on it so that we have security and resource allocation properties.


The 00-namespace.yaml file defines the namespace so that the Kubernetes cluster knows to create the namespace and what to call it.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: myapp-dev
  labels: "false" "development"
  annotations: "My Service"

The namespace is your (team’s) ‘private’ part of the cluster. The name of your namespace must be unique across the whole cluster. If you try to create a new namespace using the name of one which already exists, you will get an error when you try to apply the generated kubernetes config files (or when the Apply Pipeline applies them on your behalf).

For ‘real’ services, this is very unlikely to be a problem - most services have distinct names, so namespace name conflicts are unlikely. But, if you are creating a test/dummy namespace in order to learn how the platform works, it’s better to avoid generic names like ‘dummy’, ‘test’ or ‘example’. Add something unique (e.g. your name) to minimise the risk of trying to re-use a name by mistake.


We will also create a RoleBinding resource by adding the 01-rbac.yaml file. This will provide us with [access policies] on the namespace we have created in the cluster.

A role binding resource grants the permissions defined in a role to a user or set of users. A role can be another resource we can create, but in this instance, we will reference a Kubernetes default role ClusterRole - admin.

This RoleBinding resource references the ClusterRole - admin to provide admin permissions on the namespace to the set of users defined under subjects. In this case, the <yourTeam> GitHub group will have admin access to any resources within the namespace myapp-dev.

kind: RoleBinding
  name: myapp-dev-admins ### Your namespace with `-admin` e.g. `<servicename-env>-admin`
  namespace: myapp-dev ### Your namespace `<servicename-env>`
  - kind: Group
    name: "github:<yourTeam>" ### Make this the name of the GitHub team (lowercase) you want to give access to
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: admin


As we are working on a shared Kubernetes cluster, it is useful to put in place limits on the resources that each namespace, pod and container can use. This helps to stop us accidentally entering a situation where one service impacts the performance of another through using more resources than are available.

The first Kubernetes limit we can use is a [LimitRange] which we define in 02-limitrange.yaml.

The LimitRange object specifies two key resource limits on containers, defaultRequest and default. defaultRequest is the memory and cpu a container will request on startup. This is what the Kubernetes scheduler uses to determine whether there is enough space on the cluster to run your application and what your application will start up with when it is created. default is the limit at which your application will be killed or throttled.

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: limitrange
  namespace: myapp-dev ### Your namespace `<servicename-env>`
  - default:
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1000Mi
      cpu: 10m
      memory: 100Mi
    type: Container


The [ResourceQuota] object allows us to set a total limit on the resources which are made available to a namespace. On the Cloud Platform, we take a simple approach, and merely limit the maximum number of pods which a namespace is allowed to launch.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: namespace-quota
  namespace: myapp-dev ### Your namespace `<servicename-env>`
    pods: "50"


The [NetworkPolicy] object defines how groups of pods are allowed to communicate with each other and other network endpoints. By default, pods are non-isolated, they accept traffic from any source. We apply a network policy to restrict where traffic can come from, allowing traffic only from the [ingress controller] and other pods in your namespace.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: default
  namespace: myapp-dev ### Your namespace `<servicename-env>`
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
  - from:
    - podSelector: {}
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-ingress-controllers
  namespace: myapp-dev
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          component: ingress-controllers
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