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DNS Domain Name length considerations


The AWS Route53 documentation provides some guidance on length constraints when it comes to domain names.

Domain Label length

Each domain label (that is, each dot-separated text component of a domain name) may be no more than 63 characters in length. However, Cloud Platform’s DNS component currently prepends some Route53 records with an additional string of 6 characters.

This means that, for the time being, we have implemented a Kubernetes-level policy which will not permit the creation of an Ingress object whose hostname fields contain domain labels of length greater than 57 characters.

This page was last reviewed on 17 October 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 17 January 2025 by the page owner #cloud-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 17 January 2025 by the page owner #cloud-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.